Sunday, June 7, 2009
Weirdest Words of the Week: Freakadelic & Beast
Me: Uh... not much... you could buy me a milkshake! But I wouldn't stop... I'd just post about "vile" words anyway. I love those words... they're just kickawesome.
The World: UGH! She used one of her vile words in her SPEECH! Burn the witch! Burn the witch! Burn the...
Me: Okay, okay... if you don't appreciate my KICKAWESOME words (the world cringes at the very mention of that word, I love it) then you don't have to read this post, okay.
The World: But the children! Those poor souls...
Me: They don't have to read it either... have you ever heard of FREE AGENCY?
The World: No.
Me: (sigh) They can choose NOT to do things you know, like they don't HAVE to believe in Global Warming, or Abortion, or whatever else. They can have opinions and stuff. They could think I'm totally loony and that I should be locked away in an asylum! (I almost agree with that myself). There's no one making them think anything. They choose for THEMSELVES. (Unless they're kids, then you can just block that website and say "don't read that girl's blog, she's lost it".) But that's not my point. No one's making you read my blog.
The World: You DON'T believe in Global Warming?
Me:Yeah... so... I believe that we need to save the planet, keep it clean and stuff, but all these raised temperatures are due to increased solar activity, NOT CO2 emission. Seriously, look at the facts.
Me: Sorry 'bout that. The World (as I know it) doesn't really seem to like the prospect that I'm going to blog another weird word of the week. They don't like anything I do... Urgle, life is tough.
So... because The World decided to protest, I will not only post about ONE "vile, unapproved-by the-dictionary" word, but I will post about TWO.
What are these words? And why am I doing this? (I know two weird words in one week is just too much).
The words are (if you didn't read the title of this blog, which would be kinda stupid because it's in huge, blood-red letters at the top of this post) Freakadelic and Beast.
As to why I'm doing this? It's fun... and honestly... its the only kind of journaling I can upkeep and General Authorities say I should keep a journal so...
...I continue to blog.
What exactly do "freakadelic" and "beast" mean?
That's actually fairly simple. Freakadelic comes from the word "psychedelic" (which, believe it or not, is actually a real word which basically means "brightly colored", "hippy-like" and usually seizure-inducing) and means that the object being described as "freakadelic" is so freaky that it could induce seizures if you thought about it too hard.
It's a funny word... especially since it brings up the images of people playing DDR and being blinded by it's flashing lights (that's no fun, but somehow it's hilarious to think about)... and I like to use it a lot. If you don't like it, don't hang around me until summer break sets in. I'm sure a new word will have replaced it by then.
On the other hand, there's "beast", which (oddly enough) is actually a dictionary-approved word. Of course, I define "beast" a little differently than most people (something that's "beast" in my mind is actually really awesome, strong, deckish and cool, rather than hairy, snarly and hunched over, like, say, Tarzan) but it's still worthy of the Weirdest Word of the Week awards (along with "freakadelic" of course) because the word "beast" is just "beast".
Why did I spend like, 75% of my blog narrating my IM (Instant Message, for those illiterate in the texting language) battle between me and The World?
I honestly don't know. That's part of why they don't like me.
Strange Phenomena
At first I thought it was just a coincidence. One of those "great minds think alike" moments.
But I quickly learned differently.
A few years ago I was looking at the direction that high fashion was going in and I realized that I kinda looked like High fashion before white and black checkerboard first came out, so I thought that it would be funny if people started wearing checkerboard. I didn't really think it would happen, kinda like the "Music Sticks" thing, but guess what?
EVERYONE is into checkerboard clothes. Just look at this:
They have checkerboard pants (I want some of these).

Checkerboard Jackets. (I'm not so into this one, but I think they're cool.)
And checkerboard shoes? Wow. This is odd. Oh but it doesn't end there.... Not only are checkerboard clothes exist ant, they're like a HUGE fad. I predicted a HUGE fad! This is just INSANE!
I do this all the time. I could get really rich (or at least really popular) predicting trends in fashion, but it's usually not until later that I notice what I'm doing.
I do this with other stuff to. I'll come up with a name for one of my characters and THE NEXT DAY his name (first and last and sometimes middle too) will appear on TV. It's totally weird.
But what's really rigged, (and I did NOT intend to make it so) is that if you take Isaac's name, spell it "Issac" (like I used to do before I learned that was the wrong way to spell it) and take Cassie's name and spell it "Cassi" when you spell them backwards, like so: issaC (Cassi backwards) and cassI (Issac backwards) they equal each other. And in the books, that is what Isaac is basically trying to tell Cassie (he's trying to say that he's nothing without her... and, because of this odd phenomena, if we were to remove the letters that created her name from the alphabet, he would be right. He would be nothing!)
Have I had any other odd premonitions? Fashion wise or otherwise? Do I know if the economy will recover or whether all is lost? Can I tell you who you should marry.
No. These things work in mysterious ways... and honestly, I can't trust them until they come to pass. It's just how it works.
I can state my opinion. I think the economy will recover, and that fashion is heading down the innovative striping direction (ya know, like plaid, pin-stripes, gingham stripes, all mixed together into some kind of super striping pattern). If you want an awesome hair style, DON"T cut your hair too short, you're going to need it for what's coming up next. In regards to technology, watch out for magnetic levitation stuff like mag-lev trains, magnetic-hovercars and such. I can't guarantee anything... but I hope that my predictions are at least somewhat close.
They have been freakishly so in the past.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Firsts, Holidays and that Wretched Yellow Fireball in the Sky
Wait... you LIKE school? Oh... you don't go to MY school... okay.
Yeah, my school (I'm sure everyone already knows which one it is, ya know, the one that looks like/is a prison camp) is lame...
Anyway, while I was celebrating that school was almost out, I realized something funny about the First of June. Unlike April First, May First, September First and January First, June First isn't something you notice/celebrate/mourn (unless you're me). June First is just June First. I mean April First is April Fools day, May First is May day (even though no one celebrates it except me anymore) September First (at least in Harry Potter) is when school starts and January First is New Year's day. They're all Holidays/significant events.
So why isn't there a holiday/major event on June First?
My answer: 'Cause June is lame.
Why is June lame?
My answer: 'Cause it's too sunny.
Why is that bad?
Well lets just say that some of the characters in ANGEL (Isaac Wright, Timothy Black, Elena Creighton, etc.) don't like sunlight, and I have discovered, now that it's June and the sun is up like, ALL THE TIME, I don't like it either.
Why? You think I'm a freak for disliking the sun and that I should go lie out in it until I'm forced to like it because it's NOT HUMAN not to absolutely adore the sun and it's blinding, cancer-causing light?
This is Washington. The sun is almost NEVER there. I was born here. I got used to the sun NEVER BEING THERE, and frankly, there are times when I wish it would stay that way. The sun (since I never ever see it and my body has built up, like zero-immunity to it) gives me head aches, makes me feel sick inside and burns away my soul. If there was anything that did that to you, you'd think it was lame too.
And above all, you'd never call weather that caused such afflictions "lovely" like all those California immigrants insist it is. Sunny, June weather (for me, the girl who hardly ever leaves her house and especially not when it's sunny and is probably going to die from lack of vitamin D someday) is just a pain.
These two pictures demonstrate my sentiment towards June exactly. I need T-shirts with these printed on it, seriously. Then I'd been the coolest kid in school. But I'd also be the deadest kid in school. Those California immigrants REALLY want you to love the sun... it's like a new political campaign or something.
And that's why I think June First has not been commemorated. It's too lame to notice/celebrate and most people (except me and my characters) don't mourn it. What's your theory?