Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weirdest Words of the Week: Freakadelic & Beast

The World (as I know it): It's that time of the week again, the dreaded time when that insane Caitlin must broadcast her vile not-in-the-dictionary words on the Internet for the sole purpose of corrupting poor little children's minds and bringing mass destruction to the world. That time has come again, the time when she will laugh mercilessly at those who buy into her madness, who indulge in her ill-purposed creativity and whose souls are lost in her vile corruption of the English language. Oh have mercy on us, whatever can we do to stop you?

Me: Uh... not much... you could buy me a milkshake! But I wouldn't stop... I'd just post about "vile" words anyway. I love those words... they're just kickawesome.

The World: UGH! She used one of her vile words in her SPEECH! Burn the witch! Burn the witch! Burn the...

Me: Okay, okay... if you don't appreciate my KICKAWESOME words (the world cringes at the very mention of that word, I love it) then you don't have to read this post, okay.

The World: But the children! Those poor souls...

Me: They don't have to read it either... have you ever heard of FREE AGENCY?

The World: No.

Me: (sigh) They can choose NOT to do things you know, like they don't HAVE to believe in Global Warming, or Abortion, or whatever else. They can have opinions and stuff. They could think I'm totally loony and that I should be locked away in an asylum! (I almost agree with that myself). There's no one making them think anything. They choose for THEMSELVES. (Unless they're kids, then you can just block that website and say "don't read that girl's blog, she's lost it".) But that's not my point. No one's making you read my blog.

The World: You DON'T believe in Global Warming?

Me:Yeah... so... I believe that we need to save the planet, keep it clean and stuff, but all these raised temperatures are due to increased solar activity, NOT CO2 emission. Seriously, look at the facts.


Me: Sorry 'bout that. The World (as I know it) doesn't really seem to like the prospect that I'm going to blog another weird word of the week. They don't like anything I do... Urgle, life is tough.

So... because The World decided to protest, I will not only post about ONE "vile, unapproved-by the-dictionary" word, but I will post about TWO.

What are these words? And why am I doing this? (I know two weird words in one week is just too much).

The words are (if you didn't read the title of this blog, which would be kinda stupid because it's in huge, blood-red letters at the top of this post) Freakadelic and Beast.

As to why I'm doing this? It's fun... and honestly... its the only kind of journaling I can upkeep and General Authorities say I should keep a journal so...

...I continue to blog.

What exactly do "freakadelic" and "beast" mean?

That's actually fairly simple. Freakadelic comes from the word "psychedelic" (which, believe it or not, is actually a real word which basically means "brightly colored", "hippy-like" and usually seizure-inducing) and means that the object being described as "freakadelic" is so freaky that it could induce seizures if you thought about it too hard.

It's a funny word... especially since it brings up the images of people playing DDR and being blinded by it's flashing lights (that's no fun, but somehow it's hilarious to think about)... and I like to use it a lot. If you don't like it, don't hang around me until summer break sets in. I'm sure a new word will have replaced it by then.

On the other hand, there's "beast", which (oddly enough) is actually a dictionary-approved word. Of course, I define "beast" a little differently than most people (something that's "beast" in my mind is actually really awesome, strong, deckish and cool, rather than hairy, snarly and hunched over, like, say, Tarzan) but it's still worthy of the Weirdest Word of the Week awards (along with "freakadelic" of course) because the word "beast" is just "beast".

Why did I spend like, 75% of my blog narrating my IM (Instant Message, for those illiterate in the texting language) battle between me and The World?

I honestly don't know. That's part of why they don't like me.

1 comment:

  1. Nooooooooooooooo! I can't take it any longer. Just put me out of my misery!
