Anyway... here I go... filling your head with randomness and all that good stuff, so, hang on tight. This is going to be a bumpy ride.
This is a picture of some of the characters in one of my recent story ideas called "Metallaphor". They come from another planet called Metallaphor (which, in their language means God of Fire) in a distant galaxy. This planet is a little closer to their sun than ours is, and thus its very hot, volcanoey and on the edge of being uninhabitable like Venus, but it's still full of life, (intelligent life too) color, and culture, much like our own world.
However, the people of the neighboring planet, which is a little farther out than earth and just barely out of the reach of Metallaphor's gravitational field, but still habitable and is called Istaicara (pronounced Iss- [like hiss] TYE-car-uh) [which means Crystal Land in Metallaphoric] think they are better than the Metallaphorics and therefore they have created a law that governs them very strictly and often unfairly. As part of that law, interbreeding of Metallaphorics and Istaicarans is strictly forbidden and doing so can result in death. Many other crimes that in our world would only result in imprisonment result in death as well... but only for Metallaphorics. Often Isaticarans escape from similar crimes with no sentence at all. It is an unjust galaxy. The Metallaphorics pictured below are on the death row. They have their sentence around their neck to identify them (that's what the sashes are) and (of course) the sentence is written in Metallaphoric.
From left to right they are: Luki (which means "Blue" in Metallaphoric, and who is on the death row for biting the hand off of an Istaicaran man), Lonna-Magi (Lonna means "gone/no loner present/absent" and Magi means "Lava" so the best translation of her name is Absent Lava... but to us that doesn't make any sense. To Metallaphorics, who are always afraid of erruptions, living on a highly-volcanic planet, the phrase Lonna-Magi (Absent Lava) means that there is nothing to fear and that there is peace.) [Lonna is on this death row because she questioned the authenticity of some Istaicaran Crystals she purchased] (Istaicaran Crystals are the strongest substance in their galaxy, much like our diamonds, and therefore should not shatter when they come in contact with hardwood floors. Some of Lonna's "Crystals" shattered which lead her to believe they were glass instead of crystals and that the store she had purchased those crystals from was selling glass as "prized Crystals" and therefore ripping her off a ton.), Caileb (Which means Sunlight in Metallaphoric and who is on this death row because he disguised himself as a Istaircaran and lived on Isaticara for two years, he married the only daughter of the Kohl Pacair [Master Father, which is basically the Istaicaran version of the president of the world] and the Kohl Junair [Master mother], and she became the carrier of a half-Istaicaran, half-Metallaphoric child.) [He is also the main character of this story:)], Ero Colia (Ero is just a title like Mister and Colia means "Bringer of Ice". This guy is on death row because an Istaicaran man accidentally stabbed himself while trying to pick up a Metallaphoric knife out of a box that Ero Colia was holding) and Chaida (which means child-like and who is on this death row for murdering thirteen Istaicarans as well as thirty-two Metallaphorics in cold blood).
This is a picture of a random book cover I decided to make. I didn't really have an idea to go with it, so you will probably never see this one on the shelves, but it turned out really cool looking.
Where Purpleonia is... I'm not exactly sure... but the lady on the front is obviously from there (hence the purple skin) and is obviously scared of it.
This is Lucy. Isn't she just lovely?
Yeah... I know. She freaks me out too.
This is a chart that shows Uranium Distribution on it. It's pretty chill. Green means there ain't a lot of Uranium there, Yellow means there's a moderate amount and Brown means there's a ton... basically.
This is my favorite symbol. (Don't tell the government that!) It's not 'cause I like Nuclear Bombs or anything (even though they are pretty chill), but because it's got visual appeal (to me at least) and it's a symbol of power.
Whenever I see this thing, I want to sing Plankton's version of the FUN song. If you know it... you're chill. I'm not so sure about all the words... but here's how I remember it goes:
F is for fire that burns the whole city down
U is for Uranium... (lengthy pause) BOMBS!
N is for No Survivors...
And then they cut plankton off... but I still like to sing it. It's a mega-chill song.
This is my favorite number.
It's my favorite number because it's 3 cubed, or in other words it's 3 X 3 X 3, which is 3 times itself three times! And three... is just a BEAST NUMBER! (Don't ask me why... it just is, okay?)
This is a picture I drew a while ago called "Moonrise". It's chill.
(Some people think this guy looks like a Jedi. I dunno... I was kinda thinkin' werewolf... or vampire... but Jedi could work. They're chill too.)
This is a neat anime picture I found on the Internet. I want to share it with you.
There. I shared. Kindergarten taught me something I guess.
Some people (Like me little brother Jacob) who are obsessed with ipods might want to know that there are ipod-playing toilet dispensers...
So that's basically it... I can't wait to here your reactions.... or something like that. :)
Catlin, if you do not check my blog, I will ruin everything Isac ownes.
ReplyDeleteok i just made this blog this to MAYBE tell about my new story but idk... haha its lydia
ReplyDeletei love the pictures and things at the end and the story sounds really good!
27 = 3*3*3 = 3^3 = 3^^2
ReplyDeleteTetration is the best! When I see 27, I think 3 supercubed!
Catlin! You finally saw my blog! You win! Thanks! I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteWhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahhahah! (that was me lauphing)
ReplyDeletei spelt laughing wrong! He he he he he!
ReplyDeleteOkay i just saw something amazing, you know the computer makes you type something random to get your comment posted, well when i was typing the last one in it said piecoma! Isn't that awesome.
ReplyDeleteCaitlin after girls camp my mind is way dead i don't think it can get worse all i have thought about was Snape Why did this happen to me haha