As you may have noticed in my last post I mentioned a person named Isaac Wright. If this name sounds familiar, you probably have been spending too much time with me because I mention his name WAY too many times in my regular conversation. (I mention his name so much I have to come up with code names for him so I don't drive the people who hang around me insane enough to be locked in an asylum) But whether you've heard his name enough times to go insane or not you're probably still curious as to who this guy really is and why in the world I mention him so many times.
Unfortunately, that is a very long story.
You see, there have been stories in my head for as long as I can remember, stories about the green, blue and grey stick figures that were constantly at war with each other, stories about people with force-like powers and so on, but I didn't start trying to write any of them into novels ('cause I didn't know how to yet) until the day before seventh grade when I started writing a story I called Austin Keeper. It was a story that had been bobbing around in my head and had managed to get out onto paper in the form of many drawings for about a month but on that Labor Day night I got an inspiration that it was time to write it out and so I did.
(Just so you know, Austin Keeper is a HUGE rip-off of Harry Potter. The titles even have the same number of syllables! The plot was okay... but it was so similar to Harry Potter you couldn't read it back over without busting up laughing at how the same it was!)
While I was in the middle of writing Austin Keeper book #9 {I wrote a book per week and they averaged about 100 pages each so I'd only been writing the series for about two months} which was the book I was planning to end the series with mom told me to come and watch this show with her. She said it was "pretty interesting" so I decided I might as well.
This TV show changed my life. It was called MOONLIGHT and it is the most deckish show EVER! Some may not agree because there are a few parts in some of the episodes that you have to skip and 'cause there's VAMPIRES in it, but it's not like those other shows that you can't even watch 'cause the whole plot is just evil. I think it's a great show.
I know, all girls are supposed to watch shows about purty wittle butterflies and happy people dancing through fields of flowers and absolutely nothing that takes place at night, involves action and has a decent, engaging plot, but I just don't listen to that kinda stuff.) But I LOVED this show and it convinced me to drop Austin Keeper and start writing something with (dare I say it) VAMPIRES in it. (I know, I'm just totally evil.)
Now what does all this have to do with Isaac Wright?
You guessed it, Isaac Wright is one of those vampires in my stories.
Now he wasn't in the first story I tried to write after watching MOONLIGHT, that was called Fantasy and was really weird 'cause it had Seripmavs (backwards vampires) and all sorts of other stuff in it, but he is the main character of the story I am currently working on called ANGEL(don't ask why it's called that, it just IS)that was ultimately inspired by MOONLIGHT and he has literally taken over my life.
Because he's just SUPER-DUPER DECKISH! The only real reason I made up the word deckish was so that I could describe him! I mean it just fits him. He totally decks people, like, ALL THE TIME.
Now I bet you're dying to ask
"What else does he do, besides deck people? Where does he live?" and
"How can I avoid him because he sounds kinda creepy due to the fact that he's taken over a perfectly nice teenager's life?"
This is what you need to know:
- Isaac Wright was born to a human couple (Molly and Edward Wright) living in rural Washington on January 17th 1929.
- He was born as a human, not as a vampire.
- He was born at the start of the Great Depression so his parents decided not to give him any brothers or sisters due to low income issues.
- His father fought in World War II and was killed in battle when Isaac was ten.
- His mother was a terrible cook, so Isaac took of cooking and later started his own restaurant in Seattle (which wasn't a very large town back then) appropriately named Isaac's.
- On his twenty-seventh birthday, which he had been celebrating in his restaurant, he was transformed into a vampire by Elena Creighton (You'll learn more about her later).
- After she transferred him, she left without telling him what he was or how to control himself. Isaac, not knowing nor understanding what he was accidentally killed a few people. Oops! :(
- After two weeks of being confused, angry and somewhat suicidal, Maria, a nice, civilized, vampire who worked at the local hospital (she's kinda like a girl-version of Carlise, if you've read Twilight) found him, taught him how to control himself and offered to let him buy blood from a friend who worked at Puget Sound Blood Center.
- He accepted, was taught all that Maria knew and eventually was able to get a job and move into an apartment (he'd been living on the streets)
- Though he has had many jobs in the past, when we come into the story he works for a special-ops organization appropriately named Special Division (SD for short) composed of people who aren't exactly human (they're not vampires either, though, and have no idea that Isaac is one).
- This Division takes on the bizzare criminal cases and deals with the supernatural crimes that happen locally (as well as not quite so local cases) that the other crimminal investigative orginizations--the police, the FBI and the CIA--don't want to take on, or shouldn't take on, because doing so would lead to the exposure of vampirekind.
- This job basically consists of catches terrorists (vampire and human alike), stealing objects of international importance, investigating bizarre cases and using his super skills. (Don't worry, everyone in that organization is a little weird because it was organized for the people who were "mostly human", but were considered "too dangerous" to be in regular organizations like the CIA, so they don't ask Isaac why he can run faster than people should be able to, because they don't want him to ask why they can do the things they do.
- He does have to be careful that the other agents don't see his wings, or his teeth though. He's supposed to be "mostly human" not "something else entirely".
- He doesn't feel right biting people is right (I'm totally with him on that, but then again, I'm human so I'm not sure I can have an opinon) so he buys blood from Maria's human friend Tyler, who works at Puget Sound Blood Center and stores it in his freezer until he needs it, at which point he microwaves it to body tempurature and drinks it.
- He owns a midnight-blue Mustang, the latest model.
- Tons of girls he's seen only once become suddenly in love with him for no apparent reason. That seems to happen to a lot of vampires, so it's not totally abnormal, but it happens to Isaac so often that sometimes he's afraid to go to public places because he doesn't want to break any one's heart.
- Practically every vampire in the world knows his name (he basically destroyed Elena's reputation, and everyone hated her, so they all love him now) and there is a camera that follows him around and video tapes his entire life so you can watch it on this website called The Isaacam.
- He hates mosquitoes. (They like to steal his "food") but he hates the smell of all the mosquito repellents (they repel him too), so he can't get rid of them.
- He eventually falls in love with another one of my characters that he's been assigned to protect from a vampire who wants her blood, named Cassie Wilson, but after learning that he's a vampire, his presence puts her on edge and the two drift apart.
- Cassie also has a ugly/jerk/loser boyfriend named Michael Cook who she's been dating for one and a half years, which makes Isaac furious because he wants Cassie to be able to have a normal life and marry a human, but he believes that even he, a vampire, is better for Cassie than Michael.
- He cannot transform other people by biting them. To transform another person into a vampire he has to replace some of their blood with his, which can be done in many different ways.
- Wooden stakes don't kill him, they only paralyze him if you stab him through the heart, but then again, so does everything else you stab through his heart because it can't really beat when something is stabbed through it. However, if you stab a vampire in the heart with a wooden stake and then cut off their head, then they die, because while they're staked, they can't heal.
- The sunlight does NOT cause him to burst into flames, however, since his body doesn't allow him to get sunburns, the ultra-violet rays burn his blood instead and that can be bad, because his body cannot replace it on their own (that's why he has to eat it).
- He cannot transform into a bat, but he does have bat-like wings he stores where his lower intestines and kidneys should be (his whole system is totally rewired so that he doesn't need those organs) and can pull out when needed as well as retractable vampire fangs that he can swap out with normal looking teeth.
- He is not super pale, like Edward Cullen. When he gets hungry, he is, because he doesn't have any blood in his veins, but when he's fed he looks perfectly normal. People just thought vampires were super white back in the medieval days because everyone then was super tan from working in the sun and vampires, who obviously didn't work in the sun, weren't.
- He has lived in Seattle his entire life and still lives there today. He didn't move there after becoming a vampire, but that is a common practice. Vampires like the clouds. :)
Okay I know that was a lot of information and there's a lot more where that came from, but that was the basics. If you have any more questions just ask me, but I figured that you'd all ask "What does he look like?" So I decided to answer that question for you.
Here are a few pictures of Isaac Wright:

Isaac Wright is the guy with the wings, not the lamo (pronounced LAME-oh) terrorist dude he's carrying off to be interrogated while the other agents aren't looking.

Here he is standing in the rain and looking all professional (he does that a lot and he's really good at it)

And this is him interrogating a terrorist. After the agents he works with figure out he's a vampire, of course, but it looks like it's not going so well for Isaac. This guy's not really scared of vampires.
(Oh and if you happen to be one of those people who can actually tolerate being around me, you may have seen this journal before. Um yeah, this is basically all I do in there. Draw pictures of Isaac Wright. Just in case you wondered.)
So that's just about it. :)
But then you all say "NO WAIT! I wanna see the first picture you drew of him, Caitlin! I weally do!" So I say "Fine, here it is,":
Yeah... I know. He looks like, nothing like the other pictures. I wasn't a very good drawer back then, and, believe it or not, it was incredibly hard to get the dude that was dancing around in my head (Isaac Wright) to slow down so that I could get a good look at his face. These things take time.
He's transformed over time. This is what he looked like for a long time.
Oh, and that girl he's asking the EPIC QUESTION is named Cassie Wilson . I mentioned her earlier. (I draw my male lead characters asking this question a lot. That's why it's called the EPIC QUESTION)
This is what he looks like now:

Pretty awesome huh?
Oh, and one more thing (I know, you're tired of him already, but just bear with me here). If you ever see Isaac (or anyone else for that matter) looking at you like this... away. Those are thirsty eyes and they generally mean that the person whose staring at you isn't looking at that new shiny necklace you bought... but at your neck... and that's not good.
Of course, Isaac probably won't do this to you becasue ever since Maria trained him he's been REALLY GOOD about keeping himself under control, however, you can avoid finding yourself in such situations with other vampires by:
- Eating garlic (they HATE the way it smells on you).
- Wearing lots of mosquito repellent (dido).
- Wearing bright colors (most vampires find them depressing because the remind them of the sun).
- Not going out after dark unless you really have to (that's when they come out, duh).
Think you know enough about him now?
Yeah, way too much, I know but now you can quit wondering who this Isaac Wright person is now.