I know, all will be explained, but first I must say that this word has no relation to the word Urgal which happens to be a rather disturbing creature in the book Eragon.

(<-- These are Urgals. Aren't they just totally nasty?)
(This is the book Eragon. It's not so nasty.)
Now that you understand that, (or at least I hope you do, some of you may not.. I'm a little weird) I'll tell you why my word "Urgle" won the Weird Word of the Week (WWW) award.
Reason number one: I have no idea what it means. I mean, I sorta have an idea 'cause I usually say it when I'm happy, sad, angry/feeling some strong emotion, but I can't give you any definitive synonyms.
Reason number two: everyone seems to think I'm talking about the ugly guys with the odd black face makeup -- which makes me laugh, for some odd reason (and they don't seem to think that "I'm insane" is a good enough explanation).
Reason number three: It's so much funner to say than most of my other words (except deckish, of course. I LOVE saying deckish) and it rhymes with "gurgle".
What other words have gotten this award?
Well, there's shwinggo (pronounced Sh-WING-go) which means "awesome", kickzactly (pronounced kick-ZACK-tuh-lee) which means "exactly, with a kick", Fuh-Zah, which is basically just an exclamation of awesomeness (like when I'm feeling awesome I just randomly say "Fuh-Zah" 'cause it's cool) and there's brilliance (which actually is a real word, but I use it sarcastically like most people use the word "great" so it's WAY better).
When did shwinggo, kickzactly, Fuh-Zah and brilliance receive this award?
Don't ask me. The Committee of Official Weirdness (COW) decides this, not me.
Your blog is the most amazing thing i have ever seen. How are you so funny?! I love the (COW) it is awesome.