Friday, May 22, 2009

My Writing Career

Okay, this is probably going to sound kickstreamly (extremely with a kick) weird but exactly one year ago today, while I was sitting in one of my incredibly boring classes at Totem Middle School, I received the idea for ANGEL. I wasn't sure what had given me the idea (besides MOONLIGHT of course) but throughout the day I kept on thinking about two people: a vampire dude with black hair who was being super awesome in my head and a blond human chick who wasn't being quite as awesome and was kinda scared of the vampire dude. As the day progressed I gave them names (I couldn't just call them vampire dude and human chick forever, I mean, what kinda books have characters named that?) and I wrote them down in my planner in the comments section for that day.

(No I do not have a picture of those names, so just forget about it.)

And so this post is mostly just to celebrate that this story has lasted so long. Most of my story ideas only stick around in my head for a few days and if I'm lucky, maybe a week before I recycle them and they become something else (recycling saves the planet you know). Before ANGEL, the longest running story I had was a series called TRIANGLE which lasted for four months. I mean, compared to ANGEL, that's just pathetic.


Don't worry, all will be reveled eventually. First you must see the timeline.

Here is my writing career:

Age 0: I was born, I cried; the best idea I had was that momma should feed me.

Age 1-3: Made art out of food, smeared it everywhere

Age 4-9: Played with barbies, drew one page stories, played tons of make believe.

Age 10 - 11: The dark ages of my life - I spazzed like a hyped-up dementor. I also wrote STAR WARS comics, other rip-off comics and played out stories with Polly Pockets.

Age 12, August - October : Started writing Austin Keeper. Planned to write nine books. Only wrote eight and a half.

Age 12, October - December: Watched MOONLIGHT and wrote "Teeth" comics, Fantasy series, Academy series, came up with various other vampire-related story ideas.

Age 13, January - March: Wrote CHORA series and Untouchables series,. Untouchables was the first story I ever started typing. Totem did one good thing and gave me a typing class!

Age 13, April: Went back to "Teeth" comics for a while, toyed with random story ideas.

Age 13, May: Got idea for ANGEL, have been working on it (along with various other ideas that have come and gone) ever since.

NOW: Still working on ANGEL. (No it is not finished,. Be patient, okay? This is the first book I've ever written.)

Now, what are all these stories I mentioned about?

Here's another horrendous list of most of the stories I planned to publish (If I listed them all, this blog would go to China). Enjoy:
  • Triangle - a story about a girl who was prophesied to have magical powers by an ancient man named Cralodi who discovered many of the secrets of life and obtained great power. His symbol was a Triangle with two halves of a triangle on either side, and it appeared on the backs of the necks of those who possessed its power. The power was hereditary though, so if your father head it, but your mother didn't, you would only have half of the symbol. It got kinda weird... but it was a good story.
  • Austin Keeper - a huge rip off of Harry Potter in which I got the spelling of "of" and "off" confused with each other.
  • Fantasy - a story about a girl who falls from the sky and finds herself in another world where fantasy-creatures exist. Better than AK, but still so-so.
  • Teeth Comics - comics about an agent working for the CIA who is a vampire and is fighting to stop the evil terrorist Alano, who has enormous white hair that is longer than he is himself. The comic characters are all stick-figures, but it was awesome anyway, and sometimes, when I'm bored, I still draw then main character, Davalin Castlore.
  • Academy series - one and a half books about a school for vampires, werewolves, witches and so forth. It was really weird, because the entire school staff was working against the government and the government wanted to kill everyone attending the school... but it was a lot better writing than anything I'd written before it.
  • CHORA - a series that takes place on another planet where there are vampires. The main character Phearo, is a vampire, he has red eyes, which he has to wear sunglasses all the time to hide. He likes Lorune, a human he works with who doesn't know about him or the blood farm his pantry elevator has direct access to, but she likes Edis, a lame human (sounds kinda like Isaac's situation with Cassie... I wonder why...)
  • Untouchables series - a series revolving around a girl named Ellista who lives in the future and works for an intelligence organization (like the CIA) who turns her into a vampire to magnify her skills and make her a better agent. Had good potential, better writing than ever and got 77 pages typed out in size twelve font, but it wasn't the right thing to do. I don't know how I knew that, but I did.
  • Rythmics - a story about a civilization with DANCE POWER (whatever that is).
  • Wired - a story about android spies... it didn't get much farther than that... I really didn't write it out.
  • ANGEL - a story about Isaac Wright, the most deckish dude ever, and his troubles... it is still in progress, so I can't tell you too much because you might steal my ideas.
  • ERASED - Another work in progress, about the after effects of a worldwide broadcast of an "Eraser" signal that destroyed almost all human life. The few survivors lived in facilities that gave them mind powers, such as levitation, mind reading, etc. and try to figure out what happened to all the people who are gone. It's quite intriguing actually, and scary to write at night.
  • Victor the Undead - A story about a man who was stabbed several times by a jealous college professor after he discovered the existence of supernatural beings (ghosts) and found that he was now undead, unable to feel pain, and basically a zombie whose job was to find ghosts and send them to their final resting place.
  • Vernon stories - There seems to be an endless number of these. Vernon is a reoccurring character who looks a ton like Isaac Wright and has appeared in my stories in the form of a merman, a werewolf, and a few other mythological, human-ish creatures. He just won't leave me alone, and it annoys me.
  • Hunter - a story about a advanced targeting program created in the future that grew so intelligent that a secret organization decided to transplant his consciousness into a human body and turn him into an assassin. The targeting program, who has named himself Hunter Cross, works for them willingly, satisfied with his human existence until he realizes that they may not have the noble intentions that they say they do.

Of course, there's more than that... and there are even more stories that I have never thought of publishing that have ran through my head, but if you need to know about them all will be explained.

At least I hope it will be. If it isn't... The Committee of Official Weirdness (COW), will declare this blog, officially weird. (I'm already officially weird, but my blog isn't... yet)

So, ANGEL? Happy Birthday! You're one year old!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Angel. We are so glad you are part of our family. You keep Caitlin occupied for many hours at a time, you give her a reason to get up in the morning; and, most importantly, you give purpose to my old laptop. You're the greatest! Hope you keep growing and get completed someday and sell for lots o' money.
    Caitlin's Mom (is that Grandma?)
